Functional Appliances


Headgear is an appliance worn at night to create a special force that guides the growth of the face and jaws. It is used to move the teeth into better position and in some cases it may prevent the need for extractions later on.

Headgear can be used alone or with braces.

Headgear can be used to hold the upper teeth or it can be used to encourage growth of the upper jaw.

We recommend the headgear be worn for a minimum of 12 hours per day, usually during sleeping time and a couple of hours before bed. Regular use of the headgear achieves the best results.


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Reverse Pull Headgear

Reverse Pull Headgear is an appliance worn at night time to help promote the growth of the upper jaw in cases where the the lower teeth/jaw are in front of the upper teeth/jaw.  It is usually used in conjunction with an upper expansion or holding appliance.

Reverse Pull Headgear is most often utilised in pre-adolescent patients.

We recommend the headgear be worn for a minimum of 12 hours per day, usually during sleeping time and a couple of hours before bed. Regular use of the headgear achieves the best results.



Twin Blocks

Twin Blocks are a type of removable functional appliance which consists of upper and lower plates that work together to enable the lower jaw to be postured in a more forward position. Twin Blocks will not straighten teeth, they just allow for a more functional bite by encouraging the lower jaw to grow to its maximum potential.

Twin Blocks are worn at a young age, while the patient is growing and in some cases will prevent the need for more surgery later on.

The plates need to be worn full time, even when eating, to achieve the best results. Patients can usually expect to see a decrease in their overjet (the horizontal distance between the top and bottom front teeth) if the Twin Blocks are worn well. It is normal at first for the plates to feel quite bulky and for the patient to experience difficulty with speaking. However, if they are worn well the patient will adjust within a few days and everything will feel back to normal!

Active treatment with the Twin Blocks usually lasts for about 12 – 15 months and after that time the orthodontist may decrease Twin Block wear to night time only. This will maintain the results achieved and the orthodontist will continue to monitor the stability of the teeth and jaw until the remaining baby teeth have fallen out.

Once the Twin Block use has ceased to night time only or has been stopped altogether, the bite will be reassessed with regards to the need for further treatment.


Cantilevered Bite Jumper (CBJ)/Herbst Appliance

The CBJ/Herbst appliance is used to enable the lower jaw to be postured in a  more forward position.   The CBJ/Herbst appliance, when used in a growing patient, encourages the lower jaw to grow to its maximum potential.

A CBJ/Herbst consists of a few different components:
- an upper frame with an upper maxillary expander which will be cemented to the upper first molar teeth
- a lower frame which will be cemented to the lower first molar teeth
- right and left telescopic arms which are used to posture the lower jaw forward to the ideal position

Throughout treatment a CBJ/Herbst appliance will be adjusted according to the growth and position of the upper and lower jaws. Treatment time is generally 12-18 months.

Once treatment is complete, the appliance is removed braces may be placed to fully align teeth.



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